


Trellis from tree branches

How to make a trellis from branches

branch trellis jennie ostertag Central Texas Gardener


When Jennie Ostertag pruned her cedar trees (ashe junipers) and crape myrtles, she turned them into an artistic branch trellis!

Here’s how she did it:

  1. The posts are large cedar branches. The cross pieces are alternating cedar and crape myrtle from my backyard. I like to repurpose things when I can, so I saved them after my most recent tree trimming.
  2. I screwed the cross pieces into the posts.
  3.  It is important to drill pilot holes in the cross branches to keep from splitting them. I used 3-inch screws to make sure the pieces were very securely attached since I want it to last and expect my vine to get quite heavy.
  4. I sunk the posts as deep as I could before hitting solid limestone (a little over a foot). I put some crushed granite in the bottom of the hole and then tightly packed small pieces of limestone that I found in the yard around the posts to help keep them upright while I positioned them into a shape that I found pleasing.
  5. I then filled in the gaps in the limestone pieces with quickcrete to set the posts in place. I placed some large pieces of found limestone (several from when I dug the post holes) over top for decoration. I used quickcrete since the cedar posts are very heavy and I was worried that they wouldn’t remain upright, however if I were to do this again, I think I might opt out of using the quickcrete in favor of just crushed and very compacted granite.
  6. The cross pieces help brace the structure and I plan on adding a woody vine (like crossvine) that will also help keep it all in place. Opting out of using quickcrete would allow water to better drain away from the posts and would be more earth friendly.

