

Contact CTG

Be part of the CTG team with your pictures and videos!

Email Central Texas Gardener

  • Show us your garden, favorite wildflower fields and public gardens, and the beneficial wildlife you discover.
  • Send us your questions! If it’s a garden problem, we can solve it much easier with in-focus pictures and video. We also need wide shots and closeups.
  • CTG would also like to feature your how-to projects.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Shoot in landscape (horizontal) format—not vertical.
  • Photographs should be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels, so set your phone or camera to a higher resolution.
  • For problems: we need to see a wide shot and closeup.
  • Let us know how you grow your plant, how you did your project, and what’s going on that’s causing problems: soil type, sunlight, water situation, etc. We can solve your problem more easily if we know the situation!

Email Central Texas Gardener