

the show

Hands-on Garden Design

air date: May 4, 2024

Creativity, art, outdoor living and inventive solutions unite gardeners on the Travis County Master Gardener 2024 Inside Austin Gardens tour. Two gardeners turned rough land into charming gardens, artistic fun, wildlife habitat and home to fluffy chickens and gregarious donkeys! Laura Brennand, cut flower grower at La Otra Flora, shows how to grow and dry cut flowers. Extension entomologist Wizzie Brown explores caterpillars and their importance in garden ecology.


Episode Segments

On Tour

Rough Land into Wonderland

How did two Travis County Master Gardeners turn rough land into charming gardens, artistic fun, wildlife habitat and home to fluffy chickens and gregarious donkeys? Julie Nelson and Kay Angermann brought creative collaboration, muscle-wielding grit, and problem solving to rocky, flooding ground to sentimentally-dubbed Katie Bird Farm.

Watch more "On Tour" videos on YouTube →

Question of the Week

Caterpillar Conundrum: Keep or Control?

Caterpillars come in all different sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns. As larvae for beautiful butterflies and moths that pollinate our gardens, caterpillars feed on plants. Some feed on vegetable crops, like cabbage loopers, tomato hornworms, and cabbage worms. So, should you manage them or not? Extension entomologist Wizzie Brown explores why to leave them alone as contributors to healthy gardens.

Watch more Question of the Week videos on YouTube →

Backyard Basics

Grow and Dry Cut Flowers: Laura Brennand

Bring spring and summer’s garden bounty inside to enjoy all year! Laura Brennand, cut flower grower at La Otra Flora, shows how to grow and dry flowers from your garden for beautiful indoor arrangements. 

Watch more Backyard Basics videos on YouTube →
