

the show

Make a Beautiful Difference

air date: April 20, 2024

From backyards to neighborhoods, gardeners offset climate challenges. Stroll through James Truchard’s rocky hilltop garden where his vision and respect for Hill Country resources guided his work. Landscape designer Ted Maas joins host John Hart Asher for easy ways to get started. Find out how to prune native mealy blue sage and what causes unusual growth on Texas mountain laurels. 


Episode Segments

On Tour

Hill Country Habitat Romance

Soil under his fingernails grounds James Truchard to the land he loves. In every season, he celebrates unfolding flowers and ripening seeds for wildlife that frolics and feeds. Over decades, his vision and respect for Hill Country resources continues to respond to climate challenges. Read the blog.

Watch more "On Tour" videos on YouTube →

Backyard Basics

Winter Pruning: Mealy Blue Sage

See where to cut back old stalks on perennial mealy blue sage (Salvia farinacea) as new growth emerges in late winter. The same technique applies to herbaceous perennials like coneflower. Plus, keep leggy plants blooming in summer with Wildflower Center horticulturist Leslie Uppingham.

Watch more Backyard Basics videos on YouTube →
