

the show

Planting Pretty Ponds and Gardens, Seed Saving Libraries

air date: May 18, 2024

Enchant your garden with easy-care, wildlife-friendly pond plants. Steve Kainer from Hill Country Water Gardens and Nursery explains how to fertilize and divide. Nancy Hall’s garden started from scratch and grew beyond fence lines with philosophy and art. Prevent extinction of valuable plants right in your own backyard! Landscape consultant Colleen Dieter from Central Texas Seed Savers packages seeds for local libraries to checkout to gardeners. Learn how to get involved and contribute seeds from your garden. Blackshear Elementary student Adler Asher shows why prairies matter to our future.


Episode Segments

On Tour

One Bed at a Time!

When Nancy Hall bought her house in 1985, the heavy clay soil hosted a lawn and a stark chain link fence. As a new gardener, the plants–both adapted and native–taught her their ways. Gradually, she layered foliage and flowers, accented with artwork from local artists. Then she added a small pond and inviting patio to watch all the wildlife that come visit.

Watch more "On Tour" videos on YouTube →


Make a Splash with Water Gardens: Steve Kainer

Enchant your garden with easy-care, wildlife-friendly pond and bog plants. Steve Kainer from Hill Country Water Gardens and Nursery explains how to fertilize and divide both colorful and foliar plants.

Watch more CTG Interview videos on YouTube →

Question of the Week

Why Do Prairies Matter?

Blackshear Elementary student Adler Asher explores why prairies disappeared and why restoration now matters so much to our future ecology. Prairies are great at locking carbon in the soil as soil organic carbon. They support prairie dogs that in turn support the endangered black-footed ferret and prairie chicken. Because many prairie plants have deep roots, they help stabilize soil and conserve water. They also provide habitat and food for wildlife and nourish our sense of wonder and beauty.

Watch more Question of the Week videos on YouTube →

Backyard Basics

Central Texas Seed Savers

Landscape consultant Colleen Dieter from Central Texas Seed Savers packages seeds for local libraries to checkout to gardeners. Learn how to get involved and contribute seeds from your garden.

Watch more Backyard Basics videos on YouTube →
