Carolina Jessamine
Gelsemium Sempervirens

This native easy-care, evergreen vine is absolutely stunning along a fence, covering an arbor, or on virtually any sturdy structure that gives it ample support and provides the proper vista to admire its lovely, draping style. If given room to drape over a deck railing, wall, or other elevated height, Carolina jessamine also does quite well in containers.
If given the proper support, Carolina jessamine can get up to 20 feet tall and almost half as wide. Plant in full sun for the best floral display, and give it a little extra water during the first year, while it’s getting established.
Surprisingly, this vigorous vine can also be quite easily trained into a ground cover, if you’re willing to commit to heavy annual pruning and regular maintenance shearing.
The bright yellow, delicately fragrant, tubular flowers that cover this plant from spring through fall are definitely a show stopper.
Native all across the Southeastern U.S. and as far west as East Texas, Carolina jessamine looks perfectly at home in any garden setting. Whether your tastes lean towards a lush, green, historic-plantation style landscape, or if you prefer the xeric look, with crushed-granite paths and dry creek beds, you’ll enjoy this drought-tough, low water use vine.
Carolina jessamine doesn’t need a lot of water, but be sure to keep its roots moist in the heat of summer.
- Evergreen +
- Flowering +
- Garden Design +
- Vine