


Citrus damage

What’s going on with Christina Pasco’s citrus?
citrus damage Christina Central Texas Gardener
The same thing happened to Valerie Amaro.
citrus problems valerie
Bird chomp! Most likely by mockingbirds! Solution: cover with netting, tightly all around.

Christina also ran into chomped leaves. This time, she spotted the culprit red-handed: katydid!
citrus damage Christina Central Texas Gardener
Jesse had a problem on his citrus leaves, too, but this is just leaf miner damage and nothing to be too worried about. Typically it happens in spring.
leaf miner damage on citrus
And for fun, here’s Christina’s doxie, Bentley,getting a whiff of her Meyer lemons!
doxie sniffs Meyer lemon
And for equal time, here’s Obi Wan checking out wildflowers!
doxie checking out wildflowers

