


Native Perennials: Barbara Wright, Wright’s Nursery

Barbara Wright’s native plant list
July 2016

Fragrant mimosa
Mimosa borealis
Fragrant mimosa native plant
Deciduous shrub/small tree with small thorns
2-6’ tall; usual height around 4’
Fragrant spring flowers
Attracts pollinators, larval food source
Deer resistant

Blue shrub sage
Salvia ballotiflora
Blue Bush Sage Central Texas Gardener
Native to South Central Texas and Rio Grande Valley
Fragrant foliage, woody perennial, spring flowers
Mature height: about 6’
Sun to part shade
Attracts pollinators
Deer resistant

Gregg’s dalea
Dalea greggi
Gregg dahlea native plant
Low ground cover for sunny, dry to very dry spots. Water twice a month during hottest part of summer.
Deciduous perennial
Spreads 3 – 4’ feet
Small bluish-purple flowers spring to early summer
Attracts pollinators, larval food source
Dee resistant

Simpson’s rosinweed
Silphium simpsonii
Simpson's rosinweed Central Texas Gardener
Perennial; evergreen rosette
4-5’ tall when blooming spring to fall
Sun to part or dappled shade
Attracts butterflies
Deer resistant

Texas blue grass
Poa arachnifera
Texas blue grass Central Texas Gardener
Perennial dark blue green clumping grass
Partial shade
Moist soil (CTG producer has great luck in dry, well composted beds)
Spring flowers
May be mowed or left natural
Attracts butterflies and birds
Deer resistant

Manfreda maculosa
Manfreda maculosa Central Texas Gardener
Also called false aloe or spice lily
Usually evergreen but my die to soil level in severe winter
Mounding perennial
Partial shade, although spots more colorful in more light
About 1’ tall; fragrant flower spike up to 3-4’

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
native coralberry Central Texas Gardener
Tall groundcover/small “shrub” 12-16”
Can be cut back to control height
Partial to full shade
Flowers is spring to early summer followed by purple berries that which attract birds and small mammals
Low water needs
Deer resistant

Pearl milkweed vine
Matelea reticulata
pearl milkweed vine Central Texas Gardener
Deciduous perennial vine to 10’
Rocky soils
Part or dappled shade
Green flowers with “pearl” centers small but unique
Nectar and larval plant for Monarch and Queen butterflies

Texas greeneyes
Berlanderiera betonicifolia
Texas greeneyes native plant Central Texas Gardener
Evergreen perennial to 2’
Part shade, moist soil
Naturalizes from seed
Deer resistant

Brazos penstemon
Penstemon tenuis
bee on gulf penstemon central texas gardener
Evergreen perennial (rosette low to ground)
Poorly drained soil, shade
Naturalizes well
Spring flower stalk to 20”
Flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators
Note: smells like feet!
Not deer resistant

Chile petin
Capsicum annuum
chile pequin austin texas
Also called Turkey pepper or Bird’s Eye pepper
Dies to ground in cold winters, returns in spring
2’ tall; in the Rio Grande Valley will make a small tree to 8’
Dry shade or part shade
Summer to fall very hot peppers beloved by birds (they have no taste buds)
Deer may browse foliage until peppers appear
