

the show

Master Naturalists, Pond Outdoor Living, Garden Cocktails

encore date: August 8, 2015

original air date: June 27, 2015

What’s a Master Naturalist? Marc Opperman from the Capital Area Master Naturalists explains how this volunteer group serves as warriors against invasive plants, restores natural resources, and identifies the valuable wildlife that share our habitat. On tour, Laura and Travis McGarraugh dumped the grass for pond wildlife habitat and outdoor living for fun family time under the trees. Find out how Daphne rejuvenates a stagnant compost pile. Grow tall in the garden with Plant of the Week: perennial evergreen Giant coneflower (Rudbeckia maxima). Trisha shakes up delicious, cooling herbal cocktails.

Episode Segments

On Tour

From Lawns to Ponds

When their kids outgrew the lawn’s playscape, Laura and Travis McGarraugh revamped their backyard into new family fun with ponds, wildlife and an outdoor living room. Their young daughter accents the gardens with succulent containers she designs.

Watch more "On Tour" videos on YouTube →


Marc Opperman, The Master Naturalist

Marc Opperman from the Capital Area Master Naturalists explains how this volunteer group serves as warriors against invasive plants, restores natural resources, and identifies the valuable wildlife that share our habitat.

Watch more CTG Interview videos on YouTube →

Question of the Week

How can I keep my compost pile active?

Like me, you may get busy with other activities and only turn it once a season, when this garden chore finally makes its way back to the top of your garden maintenance to-do list.

Even though it WILL all turn into compost eventually, neglecting it slows down the process.

So, how do you get that fabulous potential pile of gardener’s black gold moving again?

And the answer is to add a bit of nitrogen when you turn it. Just a small amount will wake up those dormant, hungry microbes and get them moving again, heating up your pile and getting it to the finish line. Grass clippings are a great source of nitrogen, along with your kitchen scraps. Although adding those will feed your microbes, they also add to the volume of the pile, which you’re trying to decrease.

If you built your pile according to the recommended size of three feet tall and wide, adding more volume after you’ve first built it slows down the process. If you’re patient, that’s still a fine solution.

But if you’re looking to have some home-produced compost for your garden beds, adding a smaller volume source of nitrogen is better. Organic fertilizers that are relatively high in nitrogen work great, as does manure. But another great source is coffee grounds.

So I want to remind people about the wonderful program that we started to help increase coffee ground availability for savvy gardeners: Ground to Ground. Many local coffee shops have joined our initiative and are giving their coffee grounds away to anyone who will take them…absolutely free! Please visit our Ground to Ground website to find a coffee shop near you.

Watch more Question of the Week videos on YouTube →

Plant of the Week

Giant Coneflower

Giant Coneflower

Rudbeckia maxima

Giant coneflower is a stunning native perennial wildflower. Its huge silvery blue foliage sets it off against other natives. It gets its name from the very tall flower stalks that emerge in late spring through summer, much like succulents that send out tall flower stalks. The flowers that resemble Black-Eyed Susans are a vital source of pollen for our native bees. With its tall stature at bloom, it's best planted in the back of your beds as a stunning show-off against shorter plants. Plant in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It will not survive extreme drought for long periods, so plant in an area where you can easily supplement irrigation with a bucket of harvested water from your kitchen faucet or shower.
