October To Do List

Plant: ornamental & wildlife
- Perennials, shrubs, ornamental (clumping) grasses
- Cover crops for dormant vegetable beds: clover, hairy vetch, elbon (cereal) rye, Austrian winter peas, or annual rye
- Late: native wildflower seeds like bluebonnets, phlox, Mexican hat, Indian paintbrush, Indian blanket (gaillardia). Also, non-native poppies, larkspurs, hollyhocks
Plant: herbs
- Perennials thyme, oregano, lavender
- Cilantro seeds or transplants, parsley, dill, fennel , chervil, summer savory, borage
Plant: food crops
- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Vegetable Planting Guides (Central Texas) http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/travis/home-landscape/edible-gardens/growing-vegetables/
- Oak trees safe to prune
- Iris, daylily, fern, liriope, spring-blooming perennials, violets
- Add compost to vegetable gardens along with organic fertilizer if not already done
- Decide wildflower seeds and bulbs to plant in November
- Mulch tropical and semi-cold-hardy plants like gingers, Esperanza, Pride of Barbados, Firecracker fern, bananas.
- Take cuttings of tender annuals to propagate in warmth to renew your garden next spring
- If temps dip, cut basil and preserve in oil in the freezer
- Collect seeds of annuals to dry and store inside until next spring.
- Fertilize with an organic slow release formula like 8-2-4 or similar ratio. Avoid products with too much nitrogen. This is the best time of year to fertilize.
- Brown patch: Apply a quarter inch of compost. Apply corn meal. Find out what’s causing the problem like low drainage spots or compacted areas.
- Mow high to fend off weed seeds that are germinating. Taller grass shades them out.
Other tasks
- Late month: get row cover or plan other protection in case of early frost in November
- Cut basil to freeze in oil in ice cube trays to use this winter in soups and stews
- Collect seeds from summer annuals to dry and store indoors until next spring
- Get houseplants ready to move inside. Investigate for any “buddies” that could be coming indoors with them.