


Bloom day: March 15, 2009

This month’s big winner is my pink poppies!

Pink poppy

They’re a big deal to me, because their seeds came from a new garden friend, Joan. I plan to collect their seeds and pass some along. But always, Joan will be a part of my garden.

Another big deal is a picture from my newest garden friend, from Ohio!  On the phone, we swapped garden stories. I invited her to send me a picture of her winter aconites for Carol’s May Dreams Bloom Day.  She’s my guest of the month!  And, I thank her son who got this to me when her internet was on the fritz (been there, done that).

Winter aconite

Back in my black gumbo east Austin garden, where I couldn’t possibly plant a winter aconite, temperatures stuck to the high 80s for days, with high winds only making worse the dusty, extreme drought conditions.  Then, winter returned for a brief spell this week, bringing us longed-for rain and temperatures in the 40s.  This morning, it’s 49º, with sidewalks slick after a drizzle.

Lots going on, and by tomorrow, even more.  For now:

The rain was also a big deal to the various Salvia greggiis in the front garden, who quickly responded to its drenching refreshment. Here’s one against silver germander.

Salvia greggii and silver germander

The Lantana montevidensis is still going, against the ‘Powis Castle’ artemesia (recently trimmed back to nubs).

Lantana montevidensis and 'Powis Castle' artemesia

Spiderworts are everywhere.

Spiderwort blue

The columbines are joining them, too, in their edge of shade conditions.

Spiderwort and columbine columbine

In full sun, here’s the golden groundsel (Packera obovata), my version for aconite, in the back bed overlooking the (dry) creek.

Golden groundsel  Packera obovata

Near the lettuce bed on the back fence, here’s the first Gulf penstemon.

Gulf penstemon

At one end of the back fence, yellow primrose jasmine cascades to hide the chain link.  On the other end, backing the cat cove, Lady Banks is still holding court.

To the side of the cat cove, against the shed, the spiraea reminds us why I planted her, since most of the year, it’s just sort of. . .there.  For this moment.


On Amelia’s fence, Isabella Sprunt continues to bloom, despite her sun-diminished condition.

Isabella Sprunt rose

Here and there, a few Narcissus ‘Gigantic Star’ and ‘Abba’ are still in bloom, along with this ‘Falconet’.

Falconet narcissus

In the den bed, Tinka tulips are coming up like mad, and the abutilons are still going.  But, here’s Narcissus ‘Sweetness’ against a Valentine rose about to bloom.  Beyond is the first flower of a grass lily (Anthericum saundersea).

Sweetness narcissus

Here’s what else is blooming today.
Front yard/side yard
mountain laurel
Tinka tulip
iceberg rose
primrose jasmine
Gigantic Star daffodil (on its way out)
Pelargonium sidoides
pink oxalis
silver germander
a few leucojums

Back yard
coral honeysuckle
Tradesecantia albiflora
primrose jasmine
Lady Banks rose (see last post)
‘David Verity’ cuphea (planted last week, so sort of not fair)
Mutabilis rose
a few orange bulbines
spring starflower (will open by this afternoon)
‘Theresa’ and white salvia greggii

Fragrant petunias
Ornamental pepper

Happy Bloom Day, all!  Linda

