


Springing In Day by Day

Thing are busting out all over in my garden, even though spring’s officially 3 weeks away. Mexican plum opened this week to a chorus of bees replenishing food for whatever hive they call home.

Narcissus ‘Marieke’ made another comeback since I planted them in fall 2014. I highly recommend this yellow, trumpet-shaped cultivar for Central Texas. Supposedly, it’s even resistant to deer!

‘Erlicheer’ is just as reliable but this one’s sweetly perfumed. In our little showers, one found a handy prop on silver germander.

Leucojum aestivum is one of the hardiest, easiest bulbs to grow.

Without any assistance, in a few years they’ll form a miniature grove of winter greenery that explodes with thimble-sized flowers in February, despite their common name “Summer Snowflakes.”

I’m about 1/3 of the way through the winter cut-back since my garden time is limited. I whack back the durable natives first to show off the bulbs I’ve tucked underneath.

By the first day of spring, when these early narcissus fade, the perennials will be speeding up to cover those nourishing leaves.

But things are coming back fast! I didn’t worry too much about Mexican honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) but boy, I sighed with relief when I brushed away leaves to see signs of life.

Lemongrass looks a bit crunchy right now. At Thigh High Gardens in San Marcos—a sustainable growing education center—Zach Halfin told me that he lets the browned top growth protect the roots. He’ll shear them in a few weeks. Their path-lining sculptures are just as lovely in winter and act as hose guides!

I pruned my heirloom roses in late January since they were pumping out fat buds. I love the rosy, juvenile leaves soon to take on green adulthood. For now, Buff Beauty echoes indoor ‘Lagoon’ amaryllis in the den window.

This week, see how rose rustlers carry on the heritage behind some of the early settlers.

Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda
