March 5, 2013
Performance art in your garden
Performance art: isn’t that what your garden’s all about? Certainly, birds dance for free when possumhaw holly berries are on stage.

What about a little plant that gets encores at dinner?

Like mimes, plants reach for the sky to silently gather us into their unfolding stories.

Bulbs like Gladiolus tristis stand in the wings until spring’s stage manager gives them their cue.

Others take center stage all the time, though they get a little upstaged when a flamboyant star commands the spring run.

Then there are those that know they’re just one-hit wonders.

Though, California poppies might make a return run next year if they liked the venue.

Some are delighted to have a small part and happy to return again next year; see you then!

Sometimes, we just have to sit back and applaud.

Gardeners can pick their own performance.

Turning problems into art always gets rave reviews.

With creativity, we turn has-beens into stars once again.

We know how to spin bad reviews when they hail on us.

And we never lack an audience.

In our gardens, we open the doors to performance art every single day.

Until next time, have fun performing in your garden! Linda