


Pretty Wise!

One of my most romantic showoffs is native velvet-leaf mallow (Allowissadula holosericea) that flaunts big leaves and golden flowers at the back of a part-shade bed. Even temps below 30° didn’t bother it.

Equally weather-resilient are my ‘Butterpat’ chrysanthemums (yes, mums!) blooming now to attract bees, butterflies, and tiny pollinators like hoverflies on warm days in our roller coaster weather.

One of my first mentors for resourceful gardening is John Dromgoole, founder of The Natural Gardener.

Long before he joined the CTG team, I tuned into his Gardening Naturally radio program on KLBJ-AM (now hosted by Jeff Ferris). Last week, he and wife Jane hosted us on a tour of their garden that blends organic food, plants for wildlife, art, and outdoor living.

Garden and handyman crafter David Stalker grabbed a documentary shot of us, including CTG’s director Ed Fuentes and grip Steve Maedl. Our story coming your way in 2020!

With eyes on our need for garden nourishment, Cosmic Cafe responded with plants and ponds that attract wildlife.
Pollinators and hummingbirds order nectar and pollen from native perennial crossvine.

Along with coffee, beer, and yummy food (including food trucks), they serve up ideas for sustainable gardening, including in containers.

CTG’s story coming up in 2020!

The future means resource-responsible concepts for business and home. To illustrate ideas for both, this week we repeat our powerful interview with landscape architect Thomas Rainer, where ecology and design intersect through his book Planting in a Post-Wild World.

Watch now!

Thanks for stopping by! Linda

