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Scalding Heat & Sunburned Plants
Nature’s Precious Little Gifts
How it’s Growing: Summer 2021!
Late Spring Surprises Post-Freeze!
How It’s Growing: Highlights from CTG Viewers
Homegrown: Citrus and CTG Viewer Gardens
CTG Gardeners’ Photo Album – May and June 2020
Hibiscus Summer Love + Viewer Picture Roundup
Viewers’ Great Garden Shots!
Viewer Garden Discoveries in Quarantine
Pollinator Plants from our Viewers
Wildlife Plants from Viewers
Viewer Wildlife Garden Pictures
Monarch butterfly adults and eggs: Kerstin Chapman
Gulf Fritillary butterfly newly emerged: Kyla Rodgers
Giant squash leaves: Kathy Boyle
Squash and tomatoes: Robin McGary
Vegetable and berry garden Universal City: Lisa Caldera
Monarch butterfly caterpillar on tropical milkweed: Mary Alice Lantz
Cicada: Kathryne Harte
Wildflowers Spring 2016: Luciano Velez, Jean Bettencourt, Chuck Johnson
Leek flowers and how to grow: Louise Suhey
Wasp on Knock Out rose: Nichole Staehling
Easter Barrel cactus: Kim Simmons
Hellebores (Lenten roses) in Kerrville: Natalie Vollmar
Peony in Texas: Ann Wilson
Giant spiderwort: Victoria Dawson in Lakeway
Bottle tree hand-blown tequila bottles: Phyllis & Charlie Hirst
Cute tree frog: Allison Floyd
Christmas Cactus: Stephen Heineke
Spring blooming trees: April Rose, Joe Wagner, Heather Jefts
Butterfly and Moth Viewer Pictures
Tomato Plant Trick: Michelle Mitchell
Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) in Winter: Jackie Dye
Bee pollinating peach tree: Jessica and Lance Romigh
Zebra Longwing laying eggs on passion vine: Diana Saunders
Yellow bearded iris in January: Rowena Fengel
Bumble bee on mealy blue sage: Jackie Baltrun
No Lawn Shady Garden: Viki & Sam Strauss
Hypertufa and patio design: Johnny Whitworth
Red Admiral butterfly on cilantro flowers: Jason Lantz
Stained concrete bunnies
Milk crate plant protect
Ornamental cabbage: Katherine Carrington
Crape myrtle: Jean Warner
Texas star hibiscus, Lycoris aurea
Pond and water lily wedding gift: Gail & Mike Standley
Front yard makeover no grass: Doris Reagan
Highland Lakes Master Gardener Helping Center garden in Marble Falls
Cactus flowers
Krause Springs garden
Crinum lily, Linda Ofshe
Citrus damage
Snowberry clearwing moth by Scott Stoker
Texas persimmon
Double-headed sunflower
Bottlebrush tree in Cibolo by Rich Hartsell
Longwood Gardens
Hoop house structure for vegetable gardens
Mary Valente’s Front Yard Vegetable Garden
Garden trellis with old branches
Vegetable Garden from Cinder Blocks
Bearded Iris
Pruned Crape Myrtle
Judy Garland Rose
Bluebonnets, taken by Lance and Dawn Ware
Mitzi VanSant’s Grandchildren in a Sea of Bluebonnets
Mitzi VanSant’s Grandchildren in Bluebonnets
MJ’s Redbud Tree