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Question of the Week
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Plant List
Plant of the Week
Tips of the Month
Viewer Pictures
New Ideas for Old Yard
From Cattle Ranch to Wildlife Paradise
Drought-tough Cottage Design with Native Plants
How Biking Led to No Lawn Native Plants
Always Learning from You, with Many Thanks!
Garden for Birds and Pollinators
Mushrooms, Winter Succulent Care, Growing for Good
Small Yard Makeover: From Grass to Wildlife Diversity
Less Lawn, More Wildlife, Lessons Learned
Three Stories of Change: Wildflower Pocket Gardens
Growing Community: Body and Soul
Native Plant Garden in HOA: Martin & Eileen Byhower
Permaculture Design: Raised Beds and Food Forest
Creating Moods in a Regular Backyard
Artistic Collaboration Goes with the Flow
Winter Pruning: Autumn Sage & Mealy Blue Sage
Winter Pruning: Companions & Progression
Garden Makeover Grows New Friends and Career
Hill Country Habitat Romance
Progression: Plans, Plants, and Philosophy
Side Yard Permaculture Food Forest
Front Yard Native Plant Wildlife Habitat
Earth Connections, Healing Gardens: Shaman Jesus Garcia
Garden Diary of Life’s Progression: Colleen Belk
Transition to Urban Native Plant Pocket Prairie
A Journey from Lawn to Lovely
James Barela plant list
Kathleen Scott: Native Plant List New Braunfels
Native Plant Garden from Scratch in HOA: Kathleen Scott
Swinging into Summer
Stunning Houseplants for Foliage and Flowers
Create Backyard Adventure with Vignettes: Jo Ann Glanz
Remaking a Yard into Flowers, Food, Joy: Kristin & Ryan Harvey
Nopales Harvest & Blooming Lollapalooza
Suburban Backyard Food Forest: Phố Phạm
Get Along and Grow Along with Clay Soil
Dry Creek Hillside Design: Clay Soil and Shade
Great Tool for Rocky Clay Soil + Trees After Ice
Bicycling With Butterflies: 10,201 Miles with Monarchs
Blank Backyard to Central Texas Cottage Habitat
Planting a Bat Friendly Garden with Native Plants
Black Flora: Profiles of Inspiring Black Flower Farmers and Florists
How To Grow Microgreens: Easy Fresh Food Indoors
Water, Wildlife, Zen Design
Flaming Flowers, Shade Design, Rose Planting, Grow Local
Changing Goals, Freeze Protection, Planting Seeds
New Gardeners, Unique Styles
Cultivate Holistic Gardens: Home, School, Urban Farm
Finding Joy in Garden Transitions
Orchids & Sunflowers & Sun Shades
Growing Dreams: Ana and Julio Lopez
Destination Beauty: First Yard Makeover
Peaceful Island: Backyard Japanese Pond Garden
Fleeting Flowers, Long Term Friends, and Foes
New Yard, New Gardeners Starting from Scratch
Spring Heirlooms in Spotlights and Shadows
Top Tips to Grow Citrus
Career Change to Urban Farmers: Billie & Jean’s Farm
Plans Meet Plain Old Luck
Romancing Shade, Even in Winter
Bee-Loved Flowers + Container Lemon Distress
Busy Bees
Cultivate Holistic Living with Permaculture Design
Enclosed Raised Bed Garden Design
Inside Outside Design for Family and Neighbors
What’s Wrong with My Houseplants?
Winter Pruning: When and How
How to Plant Roses: William Glenn, Barton Springs Nursery
Permaculture Garden Design: Suthi and Sanjay Nagar
From CTG Viewers: How It’s Growing Fall 2021!
What is Conscious Living All About?
New Naturalism: Resilient, Ecological, Vibrant Gardens with Kelly Norris
Black Lives Veggies: Growing a Movement
Planting Fall Vegetables: Este Garden
Fall Seeds Bring Spring Flowers!
Power Up Plant Collaborations!
Tree Loss Prompts Native Plant Design
Planting Pollinator Diversity
A Unique Treasure: Mary Irish, 1949-2021
Grow Semi-Hydro Houseplants with Chloe Phea!
How it’s Growing: Summer 2021!
Native Plants: Summer Prune for Fall Flower Power!
Evolved to be Small: Tiny Plants with Leslie Halleck
Farm Fresh: Keepin’ It Local!
Late Spring Surprises Post-Freeze!
Summer Bugs: Trouble or Not?
Makeover Buddies Up Outdoor Living and Pollinator Pizazz
Cultivating Place: Jennifer Jewell
Female Farmers: Este Garden
Crazy About Crinum Lilies and Spider Lilies!
Cut Flower Garden Love with La Otra Flora!
Navigating Native Plants
Tiny Plants for Big Tastes with Jen McGuinness!
Grow a Bunch of Native Grasses & Sedges!
What Are Mushrooms + Post-Freeze Update
Changing How We Grow: Barton Springs Nursery
Top Tomato Tips for Hot Climates
Wildlife Biologist Danielle Belleny: Co-founder of Black Birders Week
Slippery Slopes to Gardens and Outdoor Living Hangouts
Prescribed Fire: Half-Pint Prairie at UT Austin
Austin Organic Gardeners: 75 Years Growing Good!
From Drought to Deluge: Top Tips for Garden Success
The Natural Gardeners: Jane and John Dromgoole
Waterfalls, Wildlife, and Drinks: Cosmic Coffee + Beer
Dynamic Duo Turns Rough Land into Wonderland
Native Plants for Bees with Leslie Uppinghouse
Habitat & More: Monarch Butterfly and Pollinator Festival
Growing Wellness in a Garden: Meredith Thomas
Butterfly and Bee Plants: Doug Green Plant List
Deer-Proof Butterfly & Bee Garden
Nature’s Fireworks: Fireflies!
Where to Find Lone Star Nursery Plants (Flint Fancy & Jay Beard)
Rollingwood City Hall
BJ Jenkins
Alicia Froelich and Paul Ortner
John Thomas
Stephanie and Todd Lanier
Rachael Beavers
Ann Richards
Lindsey Mayer
Ryan and Havilah Gee
Colleen Dieter
Rose Eide
Bill Adams
Robbi Will
Chandler Ford
Colby Adams
Tait Moring
Lorig Hawkins
Ixchel Granada
Aaron Kotwal
Sarah Munro
Christopher Kimball
Bernsen Family
Mick Vann
Oak Hill Elementary
Douglas Tallamy
Sara Breuer
Gayle Engels
Vicki Blachman
Barbara and Bobby Wright
Deena Spellman
Austin Neal
Cathy Downs
Jenny and David Stocker
Paula Foore
Charlotte Yeisley
Suzanne Haffey
Lynne Wernli
Stephen Orr
Randy Jewart
Sally White
Jay White
April Hendricks
Kylee Baumle
Jenny Peterson
April Rose
Lori Daul
Ivy Lara
Doris Green
Gil Starkey
Bobbie Tsukahara
Leah Leveridge
Joe Denton
Betsy Hilton
Lisa Berdoll
Cecilia Neuhaus
Claire Golden
Gerald Ronga
Betty Ronga
David Meeker
Paul Lofton
Lyda Guz
Kellan Vincent
Elizabeth McGreevy
John Stott
Lee Clippard
Link Davidson
Cherie Colburn
Kathleen Lorsbach
Patrick Allen
Glee Ingram
Dick Peterson
Billy Lee Myers Jr.
David Timmons
Deb Tolman
Jackie Davis
Curt Arnette
Pete Hausmann
Christine Hausmann
Diana Kirby
David Brearley
Molly O’Halloran
Don Gardener
Annie Gillespie
Ashley McKenzie
Jim Weber
Lynne Weber
Greg Grant
Ellie Hanlon
David Cristiani
Liz Klein
Pam Penick
Meredith Thomas
Bob Hersey
Ragna Hersey
Robin Howard Moore
Peter J. Hatch
John G. Fairey
Helen Roberts
Adams Kirkpatrick
Rob Nash
Sharon Lovejoy
Debra Prinzing
Sari Albornoz
Benjamin Shrader
Marianna Trevino-Wright
Ida Bujan
Susan Orlean
Monica Gaylord
Brent Heath
Geyata Ajilvsgi
Anne Bellomy
Nathan Unclebach
Bill Neiman
Mary Lew Quesinberry
John Gambini
Carla Jean Oldenkamp
Sandra Killough
Bob Beyer
Lana Beyer
Kenneth Francis
Ginger Hudson
Mike Fowler
Donna Fowler
Paige Hill
Dr. William C. Welch
David Stocker
Jennifer Stocker
Frank Guridy
Deborah Paredez
Gary Moss
Dani Moss
Brandi Blaisdell
Rob Moshein
Bob Atchison
Mark Simmons
Ed Fair
Penny Smith-Kerker
Ally Stresing
Janet Rademacher
Heather Ginsburg
Jessica Wilson
Andy Stewart
Laura Stewart
Chris Smartt
John McMillan
Irene Anderson
Rita Anders
Karl Tinsley
Linda Tinsley
Travis McGarraugh
Laura McGarraugh
Claudia Hubenthal
Robin Matthews
Ann Matthews
George Altgelt
Mike Quinn
Lynne Dobson
Pat McNeal
Elayne Lansford
Jay Beard
The East Side Compost Pedallers
Christy Ten Eyck
Tim Miller
Daphne Richards
Amy Stewart
Lucinda Hutson
Trisha Shirey
John Dromgoole
Steve Kainer
Sam Slaughter
Wizzie Brown
Tricia Martin
Lamar Hankins
Jeff Pavlat
Jimmy Turner
Mae Sanchez
Bill Scheick
Patrick Kirwin
Michael Cain
Lauren Springer Ogden and Scott Ogden
Matt Turner
Monte Nesbitt
Christine and Bill Reid
Meredith O’Reilly
Chris Wiesinger
Richard Blocker
Jim Kamas
Amanda Moon
Nancy Webber
Drew Demler
Randa Daude
Erin Flynn and Skip Connett
Adam Diaz
Marney Abel
Cindy Phillips
Kelly Bender
Bob Barth
Sharon Truett
Michelle Pfluger
Merrideth Jiles
Mike Piwonka
William Glenn
Jared Pyka
Alice Nance
E.E. “Mitch” Mitchamore
Scott Thurmon
Mitzi VanSant
Michael Shoup
Justin Kasulka
Steve Bridges
Mary Irish
Sean Watson
Susan Wittig Albert
Renee Studebaker
Max Elliott
Jon Hutson
Brent Pemberton
Cindy Arredondo
Marcus Young
Eric Pedley
Kim and Mark Gaddy
Alexandra McBrearty
Chris Camacho
Robert Beyer
Tom Peace
Janice Patton
Judy Barrett
JJ Weber
Russell Womack
Larry Womack